Excursion in the maldives 16/12/2014

The Maldives is a tropical paradise located in the Indian Ocean, known for its clear blue waters, white sandy beaches, and abundance of marine life. One of the best ways to experience the Maldives is by staying on a local island guesthouse and taking excursions to explore the surrounding area. In this article, we will discuss some of the top excursions to take while staying on a local island guesthouse in the Maldives.

  1. Snorkeling and Diving Excursions

The Maldives is a premier destination for snorkeling and diving, with its crystal clear waters and diverse marine life. There are a variety of excursions available, from beginner-friendly snorkeling trips to more advanced diving expeditions. Snorkeling trips usually take you to nearby reefs where you can see a variety of tropical fish, sea turtles, and even reef sharks. Diving trips, on the other hand, take you to deeper waters where you can see larger marine life such as manta rays, whale sharks, and even schools of dolphins.

  1. Fishing Excursions

Fishing is another popular activity in the Maldives, with a variety of different excursions available. Whether you're an experienced angler or a beginner, there's something for everyone. From deep sea fishing, to big game fishing, or even fly fishing, the Maldives offers a unique and exciting experience for all. You can expect to catch a variety of fish such as tuna, mahi-mahi, and even sailfish.

  1. Island Hopping Excursions

The Maldives is made up of over 1,000 islands, so it's no surprise that island hopping excursions are a popular way to explore the area. These excursions take you to different islands where you can see local villages, experience traditional Maldivian culture, and even visit uninhabited islands. You'll have the opportunity to see the local way of life, and learn about the Maldives' history and culture.

  1. Dolphin and Whale Watching Excursions

The Maldives is home to a variety of marine life, including dolphins and whales. Dolphin watching excursions take you out to sea to see these intelligent and playful creatures in their natural habitat. Whale watching excursions, on the other hand, take you to areas where you can see these magnificent creatures, such as humpback whales and sperm whales.

  1. Sunset and Dinner Cruises

The Maldives is known for its beautiful sunsets, and what better way to experience them than on a sunset and dinner cruise? These excursions take you out to sea where you can watch the sun set over the horizon while enjoying a delicious dinner. Some cruises even offer live music and entertainment, making it a perfect way to end a day in the Maldives.

When planning your Maldives vacation, it's important to consider staying on a local island guesthouse. These guesthouses offer a unique and authentic Maldivian experience, and are a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture. They also offer a variety of excursions to explore the surrounding area, from snorkeling and diving to island hopping and dolphin watching. With so many options available, you're sure to find an excursion that's perfect for you.

In conclusion, Maldives is a tropical paradise with crystal clear waters, white sandy beaches and a diverse marine life. One of the best ways to experience the Maldives is by staying on a local island guesthouse and taking excursions to explore the surrounding area. Whether you're an experienced diver, a nature enthusiast, or just looking for a relaxing vacation, the Maldives has something for everyone. With the variety of excursions available, you are sure

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